
Lithic Product Update: January 2023


Lithic Product Update: January 2023

Eduardo Lopez
Product Marketing Lead
February 6, 2023
 min read

Welcome to our January product update blog! This month, we added transaction events and decline reasons in the dashboard, released a Java client library, and made some sandbox improvements to support additional transaction lifecycle testing.

In addition to the above, we’ve spent the last few weeks planning out our product roadmap for the next few quarters. If you’re interested in learning more about our upcoming releases, contact us at We’d love your feedback!

Let’s dive in and take a look at what we shipped this month.

Product Highlights

Transaction Events and Decline Reasons in Dashboard: The Lithic Dashboard now displays the full transaction object, which allows users to access detailed information about each transaction’s lifecycle events, decline reasons, and merchant information. Users without access to the API in particular will have more visibility as they troubleshoot end users’ declined transactions.

API library updates: We launched a Java client library to provide Java developers with convenient access to the Lithic API. Additionally, we have two more client libraries in alpha, in Go and Ruby, and expect to have a Kotlin-specific package available soon. If you want to help us in testing out any of these upcoming libraries, contact us at

Sandbox improvements to support additional transaction lifecycle testing: We expanded and improved our set of transaction simulation endpoints to allow for more robust testing of various transaction lifecycle permutations. In addition to our existing testing flows, users can now also simulate balance inquiries, authorization reversals, authorization expiries, return reversals, and credit authorization advice. Check out our set of transaction simulation endpoints here for more.

Final Reminder of February 8 changes to the API: We’re rolling out a few improvements to our transaction object on February 8. You may have noticed these changes in the sandbox environment earlier this month. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact

Upcoming Releases

Faster templated physical cards: We’re introducing a standardized templated cards offering that will let customers launch physical cards in just one week. Our new, streamlined process will significantly reduce the manual work and reviews needed to launch a physical card program.

Digital Wallet Tokenization Webhooks: Customers will be able to receive webhooks upon card tokenization by end users. These webhooks will include device, cardholder, and wallet provider metadata that can be used to detect fraudulent tokenizations.

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