Wish you could fight fraud and reduce cardholder friction?

3-D Secure (3DS) is technology many fintech companies have struggled with. Though everyone agrees that cards need embedded fraud-fighting mechanisms, 3DS has often been a friction point causing poor purchase authorization rates.

Not so here. Lithic’s 3DS solution allows issuers to participate in the 3DS flow and leverage 30+ new data fields to intelligently authenticate transactions without taking on unnecessary fraud-liability risk.

Issuers can also lean on Lithic’s 3DS rules engine to decline risky transactions before they create losses.

Either way, our frictionless flows mean you can minimize cardholder friction and maximize authorizations—all while protecting against liability shift.

Our 3DS guide covers:

  • 3DS Domains
  • 3DS Decisioning
  • Improvements in security and cardholder experience
  • ... and much more
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